Course Reserves Information for Instructors
Course Reserves can provide access to textbooks, course readings, and other materials for courses at Carroll University. They are print or electronic materials selected by instructors for use in a specific course for a specific semester. Reserve materials can include textbooks, books, book chapters, journal articles, reference materials, DVDs, or other materials necessary for course work.
What is allowed on Course Reserves is governed by the Fair Use clause of U.S. Copyright Act (Section 107) and must be approved by the Carroll Library. If you have any questions about what is allowed on course reserves, please contact Sara Mosey, Library Operations Supervisor, at or 262.524.7307.
Placing Materials on Reserve
- You must fill out a Reserves Request form. You have 3 options for this:
- An online form.
- A PDF document that you can print out and bring in to the library Checkouts Desk.
- A paper copy of the form at the library Checkouts Desk.
- Please review the Copyright Guidelines to make sure the items you would like on reserve are allowed.
- Cite the author and title exactly as they are cited in your course syllabus so that students will have no difficulty recognizing your readings. We will return incomplete or inaccurate request forms for corrections; this will delay the processing of those requests.
- Reserves that are needed at the beginning of the academic term must be requested 7-10 days in advance.
- Email digital copies of reserve items to Sara Mosey at and drop off any physical items at the library's Checkouts Desk.
What is allowed on Reserve?
- Textbook(s) for the course.
- Other assigned materials/readings for the course. For e-reserve items, the Library has the right to limit the amount of material in order to remain copyright compliant.
- Items owned by the library may be put on reserve semester after semester.
- A faculty member may place personal materials on class reserve.
- Any item on reserve will carry a copyright notice.
Electronic Resources to which the Library subscribes
[Electronic resources include: journal articles or database materials paid for by the library.]
- Faculty requiring students to read articles in any of the library’s databases may put the stable URL provided by the database into a course syllabus on the learning management system.
- Articles from a database owned by the library may be placed on E-reserve.
- To place an article on reserve from a journal that the Carroll Library does not own, copyright permission may be obtained for a fee through the Copyright Clearance Center. (Exception: if this is the first time you are using the article, there is no clearance needed.).
- Media must be a lawfully purchased and no copies may be used. Personal copies of lawfully purchased media may be used in the classroom on occasion.
- Media and Audio owned by the university should not be shown to a class session open to the public. Public performance rights must be purchased separately.
- Reserve materials must have a copyrighted material sticker on them.
- Media may be put on reserve for student’s individual viewing, but it must be owned by the library or instructor.
- Items owned by the library may be put on reserve semester after semester.
- A faculty member may place personal materials on class reserve for ONLY one semester.
- Media cannot be put on Electronic Reserve at this time.
Course Packs and Lab Manuals
The library does not create custom course packs or lab manuals. These must either be taken to the bookstore to be cleared with the Copyright Clearance Center and the publisher XanEdu.
Copying articles and other materials for class handouts
A faculty member may copy ONE article ONCE for a class and hand it out.
- If the article is used in a subsequent semester, copyright permission must be secured through a copyright clearing house like the Copyright Clearance Center (the library will process this).
- Or, a request may be submitted to the library to purchase an article and put it on reserve. This is preferred for repetitive use as the copyright clearance for one article is often $30 to $40 per class.
Where do my students find Reserve material?
Reserves can be searched through the library's course reserves system by title, instructor's last name, or course number. (Course number means the three letter/three digit abbreviation used by the university to describe a course. For example, for English 170, the course number is Eng 170.).
Print and media reserves can be checked out at the Checkouts Desk. Electronic reserves are available online, linked through the library's course reserves system.
Storage and Reuse
At the end of each academic term, materials will be removed from reserve. Remember that copies of copyright-protected material cannot be kept on reserve for more than one term. Personally owned reserve materials will be returned to its owner.
If you want your items on Reserve for more than one semester, you will need to fill out a new form every semester. We need this information to keep compliant with copyright rules.
What is "Fair Use?"
The library maintains a reserve system that includes paper and electronic copies of material. Material may be placed on reserve as long as placing them on reserve complies with the fair use provisions of the U.S. Copyright Act (Section 107). An appropriate exercise of fair use depends on a case-by-case application and balancing of four factors to be considered as set forth in a statute enacted by Congress:
- The purpose of character of the use;
- The nature of the copyrighted work being used;
- The amount and substantiality of the work being used; and
- The effect of the use on the market for or value of the original.
These factors will determine whether reserve requests fall under the doctrine of fair use. In practical terms this means that legally possessed copyrighted material, therefore, can be placed on reserve for one semester. However, in virtually all cases permission from the copyright holder is required if a copy is to be reused in a subsequent academic term for the same course offered by the same instructor. It is quite possible that a fee will accompany permission.
To facilitate the task of obtaining copyright, the library works with the Copyright Clearance Center. The library will be happy to assist in the obtaining of copyright. Be aware, however, that legally imposed charges for copyright will be charged to the department for which copyright has been obtained. The process to obtain copyright permission may be lengthy. For those cases where a reserve does not fall under fair use, such as an article used more than once for a class, or more than one chapter copied from a book, please give the library at least 30 days' notice.
See the library's Copyright Policy for more details.
If you have questions regarding copyright, please email the library at
Other reserves questions should be directed to Sara Mosey, Library Operations Supervisor, at or 262.524.7307.